SCT Barriers & Safety Products - T: 01257 590112


SCT Barriers - The UK & Ireland's No 1 choice. We manufacture, supply & Install Timber Clad Steel Pedestrain Guardrail & Crash Barrier Systems.


MCD Drive Thru (1) (1)

This Crash Barrier combines the strength of 20+ year old Pinus timber with galvanized steel to achieve an aesthetically pleasing crash tested Barrier to the required safety level.

This type of Barrier is a suitable alternative to Armco steel guardrail in tourist areas, low & high speed roads, conservation roads, for Local Authorities urban schemes, around parks and lakes, supermarkets, fast food drive thru & parking areas, schools, park & ride areas & retail parks etc

Easy to install & asthetically pleasing


                    Finlake 8       Stanneylands      

It is aesthetically ideal for use in areas where appearances are as important as safety.

It is quick and easy to install because of the design, and the rail components are pre-assembled.

The posts can be moved along the rail without affecting the rail integrity, if required to avoid underground services, boulders or tree roots, on installation.

The X-section of the installation is small compared to other types of rail therefore footpath intrusion areas & space for the rail to fit, are small.

There are timber masks available for the rear of the rail so exposure to steel edges are not visible and thereby making it much safer in pedestrian areas.         

Optional pedestrian handrail available.

Finlake 3 

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